
View by Industry

Shown below are companies that we have added to our database to give our readers an understanding of our research services and rating process.

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(2009) Regions Financial Corp.
(2009) PNC Financial Services
Bank of America
(2009) Citigroup
JPMorgan Chase
Citigroup Inc.
Zions Bancorp
First Citizens Bancshares Inc. (Cl A)
Wells Fargo & Co.
(2009) Bank of America
U.S. Bancorp

Gen-Probe Inc.

Computer Hardware & Office Equipment
Dell Inc.
Apple Inc.
Xerox Corp.
Seagate Technology Inc.
EMC Corp.
Hewlett-Packard Co.

Consumer & Specialty Finance
Capital One
(2009) CIT Group Inc.

Food & Tobacco
Kraft Foods Inc.

Internet & Computer Services
International Business Machines Corp.

Investment Services
State Street Corp.
Morgan Stanley
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
BlackRock Inc.

Life Insurance
MetLife Inc.
Assurant Inc.

Oil & Gas Producers
Devon Energy Corp.
Conoco Phillips
Chesapeake Energy Corp.
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Vaalco Energy Inc.

Specialty Retailers & Services
Netflix Inc.

Telecommunications Equipment
Neutral Tandem